This phase of engagement has ended.


Traffic Management


Traffic Management

This page has been archived. Please visit the managing our impact on the environment page to see the latest news and information.

HS2 recognise that traffic and transport management during construction is a key issue for local communities along the line of route. In particular, construction will lead to many more vehicles on the road network and to short-term and long-term changes to the road network.

HS2 have made many commitments to minimise impacts where practicable to do so and has prepared a Route-wide Traffic Management Plan . This plan sets out how contractors will be expected to deliver the project. It covers how contractors are to plan traffic and transport during construction, managing construction flows, vehicle and driver safety, workforce travel plans, temporary traffic management and how the project needs to protect highways and other assets.

Contractors are required to prepare local traffic management plans, setting out their local strategies for managing traffic and to set out their proposed lorry routes and forecast traffic flows. These plans will be consulted on through local traffic liaison meetings which have been established along the HS2 phase 1 route and include highway authorities, emergency services and other key stakeholders such as public transport representatives. These meetings will enable review of site specific traffic management measures as they are developed by HS2’s contractors.

Current roadworks

When the construction of HS2 requires traffic restrictions on local roads, we work closely with the local highway authorities to ensure communities and road-users are made aware. This includes producing community notifications, ahead of any work taking place.

Notifications for this area can be found in the ‘additional materials’ section of this page.

If you have any questions or comments please contact or call 08081 434 434 and refer to "HS2 in Birmingham".

Additional materials

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Permanent closure of Fazeley Street
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Notice of utility surveys on Curzon Street
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Notice of utility surveys on Moor Street Queensway
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Notice of utilities installations in central Birmingham

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments
