This phase of engagement has ended.


Local Environmental Management Plan


Local Environmental Management Plan

This page has been archived. Please visit the managing our impact on the environment page to see the latest news and information.

This is where you can learn about how we plan to reduce and monitor the effects of our construction work on the environment.


This Local Environmental Management Plan (LEMP) sets out site specific control measures to be adopted by HS2 contractors working within the Birmingham area and on the Curzon Street Station site.

HS2 Ltd’s contractors will be carrying out construction works that are subject to the High Speed Rail Phase One Environmental Minimum Requirements (EMRs). These set-out the high-level environmental and sustainability commitments to be implemented during the planning and implementation of works along the Phase One line of route.

The Code of Construction Practice (CoCP) is part of the EMRs and requires the nominated undertaker to produce a Local Environmental Management Plan (LEMP) specific to each Local Authority area along the Phase One line of route. HS2 Ltd and its consultants have produced the initial LEMPs for the Birmingham area and the Curzon Street Station site.

The Contractors working for HS2 Ltd are required to comply with and work to this LEMP, which is based on environmental information currently available to the project, including the Environmental Statement and subsequent Additional Provisions.

Are these finalised?

HS2 Ltd has been engaging with Birmingham City Council during the production of this LEMP. The most up to date version of the LEMP is published on the government website .

If, up to and during detailed design, new environmental baseline information comes to light (such as the identification of new sensitive receptors), then the LEMP will be updated to reflect these changes.

What happens next?

HS2 Ltd and/or its Contractors have already started engagement in the Birmingham area and will continue to engage with the local stakeholders. This will take the form of engagement events which will be carried out to introduce and brief the communities on local environmental information, management and mitigation as detailed within this document. If local communities have comments relevant to the content of the LEMPs, they will be reviewed and updated, as required.

If you have any questions or comments please contact or call 08081 434 434 and refer to "HS2 in Birmingham".

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments
