Communities and businesses located near the approved or proposed route have access to the range of statutory and discretionary property schemes.
We have a wide range of support for people who may be affected by High Speed Two (HS2). This includes information on a selection of property schemes for those living close to the railway and how we may access or acquire land needed to build the new railway.
Guides for property schemes are available for property affected by the new railway. These summarise the property schemes available to individuals whose land or property may be affected by the construction or operation of HS2. Details include application forms, eligibility criteria , 'Need to sell' help guide in easy read format and how you can pre-register for a settlement deed .
You can find out if your property may be affected by contacting the HS2 Helpdesk and requesting a property search.
Video guidance for HS2 Need to Sell Land and Property SchemesWe’ve created a series of seven videos to provide clear and accessible guidance on the our Need to Sell Land and Property Schemes.
Each short video gives information on how to apply, meet scheme criteria and signposts to other guidance where appropriate. We also detail what will happen to your application once submitted, who will review it and how a decision will be made.