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Funding Awarded for a Volunteer Project in Birmingham

Today saw more projects awarded funding as part of the HS2 Community and Business Funds. To date, over £1.9m of funding has been awarded across the Phase One route.

In Birmingham, Norton Hall Children & Family Centre , has received over £74,000 from the Community and Environment Fund.

Norton Hall Children & Family Centre is a registered charity who run the Dolphin Centre in Ward End Park in Birmingham.

The funding will to support a three-year project to create and support a network of volunteers who will carry out tasks in the park, such as litter picking, planting and general maintenance. The funding will also employ a Volunteer Coordinator who will work with a range of partners, including Birmingham City Council and the Friends of Ward End Park, to recruit, train and coordinate volunteers.

You can find out more about Norton Hall Children & Family Centre by visiting

The community and business funds are administered and managed by independent community charity, Groundwork UK. For more information on Groundwork and the funds themselves click here.

You can also see an interactive map showing all of the projects awarded funding so far by clicking here.

Posted on 26th October 2018

by HS2 in Birmingham