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Join our free online ecology event - habitats and wetlands in the West Midlands

HS2’s landscape and ecology programme in the West Midlands will create bigger, better and more joined up wildlife habitats, including woodland, wetlands, and community spaces around the new railway for people to enjoy for years to come.

We would like to invite you to find out more by attending our free 'HS2 in Focus' webinar on ecology on September 30, where we will be discussing our plans for habitats and wetlands in the region and highlighting what has already been created.

Our enabling works contractor LMJV (Laing O’Rourke and Murphy Joint Venture) and their team of ecologists and landscape architects have planted nearly 80,000 trees already in the West Midlands and Warwickshire. In addition, 40 ponds and several acres of wetland, heathland and meadow have also been created, with new wildlife habitats in a variety of locations including badger setts, bat houses, bird boxes, reptile banks and bug houses to help local wildlife populations thrive.

The new woodlands will be part of our ‘Green Corridor’ which will see up to 7 million new trees and shrubs planted between London and the West Midlands, supporting delicately balanced local ecosystems running through the spine of the country.

Our environmental experts, as well as those from LMJV and Five Rivers Environmental Contracting, will be discussing the works that are taking place before we build Britain’s new high-speed railway. The session will also highlight the efforts we are making to ensure that we carefully manage our impact on the existing natural environment during the construction and operation of the new railway.

Please register here for the HS2 in Focus Ecology webinar which takes place on Wednesday, September 30, from 12.30-1.30pm .

If you have a question about HS2 or our works, please contact our HS2 Helpdesk team on 08081 434 434 or email .

Posted on 22nd September 2020

by HS2 in Birmingham